
Godot Gamedev: Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight is a hobby project I have been working on lately together with artist Mats N. Olsen. It is a roguelike deckbuilder game where cats have taken over the world and you (a bird) have to fight the Cat God to end cat supremacy! It is heavily inspired by Slay the Spire and has given me the opportunity to explore many ways to develop a system. Aside from getting to learn more about how Godot works, I particularly enjoyed implementing the logic for the combat, which heavily relies on events (or Signals as they are called in Godot) and a central «Combat Activity Queue Manager». The repository for this project is not public, but if you want to get a hold of the codebase to see the way I approach programming, please reach out to me and I will give you access!

OpenGL shenanigans

For a course project I did at NTNU we were free to pursue any graphics concept to help us learn OpenGL and computer graphics fundamentals. I wanted to simulate a cloudscape containing as many boids as possible! The code uses ray marching for the clouds and compute shaders for the boids. Check out the github repo to see the code!

Processing sketches

Check out the github repo for creative coding projects!

Embla Flatlandsmo

Software engineering, art and motion graphics!